Monday, October 14, 2013

Aaaauuuugh! ZOMBIES!

Recently, I got to partake in a local neighborhood's annual Zombietoberfest. It's sort of  a block party, with live music, food trucks and lots of people dressed up as zombies.  I've gone the past 4 years, but have only dressed up for 2. I've done the costuming and makeup for the boy for all 4 years.

Getting someone into full zombie kit is fantastic. The boy really sells my work, too. He's won Best Male Zombie twice. One year he didn't compete because he was with a girlfriend. Last year, he sat out the competition, as the prize was a bar tab and the boy is not yet old enough to drink. 

But this year, I did costumes for him, a buddy of his and myself. All the clothes were thrift store finds. My formal dress was five bucks. His suit? Fifteen.  Our photos were in both the local paper and the local alt-weekly (links after the photos below). And, there was pizza and beer afterwards. Which was good, because zombie ladies who wear five-inch heels all damn night could use a proper sit-down. I advise sensible zombie footwear, just in case you're wondering. 

Anyway, pictures!  Much better than words.

The boy!

His buddy!

The boys and I!

My glass. Made it from a cheap plastic goblet (only cut myself ONCE! Woo-hoo!) and Tamiya Clear Coat paint. Fun. 

The boy, again. 

His buddy, again. 

And one more of me. 

If you click this link you will find lots more event photos, way better than the ones I took & found on Facebook (which are the three tagged "" at the bottom). Also, Orlando Weekly has great photos.

If you have a zombie walk or something similar in your area, you really should go. Participate - zombie costumes are super-easy - or just go to see other people dressed up, which is pretty darn fun, too. 

My favorite moment of the night was having a little girl, probably 6 or 7, come up to me and stare for a few minutes before asking, "Are you a girl?" I replied that yes, I'm a girl. Her eyes got really wide and she breathed, " look awesome...." I thanked her and told her she did a fantastic job on her zombie cheerleader costume. She broke into a huge grin and ran off to proudly tell her mom that the grown-up lady zombie liked her costume. 
Do any of you do anything like this?  Do any of you dress up for Halloween?  I'd love to hear about it!

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